Opinions about our country, the world, politics, and some other stuff that that doesn't fit those categories

Nobody said these Aztlan-loving, Che-worshipping fuckfaces were intelligent.

Somebody should have told this retard that Tucson, AZ, where this picture was taken, did not become a part of the United States due to the Mexican-American War. The land south of the Gila River in Arizona (last time I was there the river was dry) was purchased by the US from Mexico in the Gadsden Purchase in 1853. The deal was worth $10 million.

And someone should tell this intellectual lightweight that the Global Elite™ are more interested in erasing borders in the name of Free Trade™ than keeping them in the name of "supressing human solidarity." Whatever the hell Human Solidarity™ is is a mystery. This is nothing more than combining all his boogeyman, even those who seek opposing ends, into a single big-bad-wolf.

As for "working masses," how often do you see those who champion the working masses actually doing any meaningful work of their own?

on Mar 15, 2005
He must be a european!  They dont know squat!
on Mar 15, 2005
Unfortunately, he is one of millions of homegrown idiots.