Opinions about our country, the world, politics, and some other stuff that that doesn't fit those categories
Which of the movie's charatcters are you?
Published on January 28, 2005 By Eastern Diamondback In Movies & TV & Books
Matt Eckert...The Brother... "

Interesting note about the movie: Powers Booth, who played Colonel Tanner, the pilot who was shot down, is only three years older than Patrick Swayze, who played a high school aged character.

Take the quiz here

on Jan 28, 2005
Very Interesting!
on Jan 28, 2005
I took their quiz and this is the result.

Robert Morris...-The Executioner-...You are loyal and brave(to a fault) but you are also a psychotic killing-machine. Seek professional help NOW!
on Jan 28, 2005
Every group needs an executioner, a bruiser.

As for me, despite being a right winger, I'd follow Mao's advice:

When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy halts, we harass; when the enemy tires, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we pursue.