What is a Neo-conservative?
Over the weekend I brought the family back home to Chicago for Mother's Day. My aunt (mom's sister), her husband, and my cousins dropped by my parents' house for the barbeque. While eating, one of my cousins let his opinion be known about "Neocons."
Last year my friend, his wife, and I were talking and somehow Pat Buchanan's book The Death of the West came up. She then went on a tirade about "Neocons" and how they hate Mexicans.
I've heard Donald Rumsfeld being chastised for being a "Neocon." I've read references to the "Neocon Death Cult" (not just here).
So I ask this to everyone. What is a neo-conservative, or a neocon? I'm not asking for names, but rather characteristics.
Please, I'm not looking for wikipedia entries. Just what you personally think.